Vouchers in Shopping Centres

Production - Sale - Redeeming
Vouchers are printed and sold at the shopping centre information desk.
Each voucher has a unique barcode allowing tracing throughout the process, from production to commissioned destruction.
We provide customer-tailored advice to our clients in Austria and abroad and handle their payment transactions. Credit is posted directly to the account of the client.
The MULTI-Box is serviced regularly by us – valuables are counted, checked and reconciled.
We dispose of vouchers with specially equipped cash-in-transit vehicles – vouchers that have been redeemed and settled are transferred for commissioned destruction.
This is done mainly but not exclusively via the MULTI-Box – can also be included in direct servicing.
- We provide customer-tailored consulting and support
- Prompt posting to the customer account
- Cross-border service available on request
- Payment transactions are processed with the account-holding banks
- Large amounts of money in the centre management for redeeming the vouchers are avoided
- Safer storage and sale
- Reduced storage costs for vouchers that have yet to be sold
- Demand-oriented production
for small-scale (occasional customer) and
large-scale production (orders from major customers) - Fewer tasks for the employees