Assisting the Austrian economy since the 1990s
Until the mid-1990s, Bank Austria (formerly Creditanstalt), Giro Credit and Österreichische Volksbanken AG organised their cash logistics themselves. To optimise this, the Geldservice Gesellschaft mbH (GSG) was founded. With the upcoming changeover to Euro, the GSG was then bought by the Austrian National Bank. The name was then changed to GSA - Geldservice Austria Logistik für Wertgestionierung und Transportkoordination GmbH.
GSA thus became an integral part of Austrian cash logistics.
GSA has also made a major contribution in the field of non-cash payments. In close cooperation with Austrian banking institutions and the Austrian national bank, an Austrian clearing house was established to settle national and international interbank payment transactions. The Clearing Service started operations in 2011 and was transferred to PSA Payment Service Austria as of January 1, 2021 for strategic reasons.